energy healing for emotional freedom
Trapped emotions can keep you from living the vibrant, fulfilling, peaceful healthy life you are meant to be living.
Many leading psychologists believe that trapped emotions are a significant yet hidden cause of much illness, disease and suffering, both emotional and physical in nature. It can help to think of a trapped emotion as a ball of energy, because that is exactly what it is. Even though they are made only of invisible energy, trapped emotions have a size and a shape. They usually seem to vary in size from that of an orange to that of a melon. This trapped emotional energy will always lodge somewhere in the physical body waiting for a time that they can be processed and released, and the body tissues and organs that lie within that area will tend to fall into resonance with the vibrational energy of the trapped emotion. In other words, those tissues will actually be experiencing that emotional vibration on a continual basis. Which means if part of your body is vibrating at the frequency of anger due to a trapped emotion, it is much easier for your entire being to fall into resonance with anger when something happens that could elicit an angry response from you. Sometimes people don’t understand why they get triggered so easily or why they can't seem to shake certain emotions. Its often because the very emotion they are struggling with was not processed at the original time of occurrence and has become trapped within them from a past experience they may scarcely remember.When trapped emotions are released the effect is incomparable to that of any other form of therapy. The emotion and behavior,
and in many cases physical pain, that have been so difficult to shake are simply gone. It is almost too simple to believe, but once you experience it yourself, you will understand!
Energy Clearing for Emotional Freedom is about clearing away the baggage so that you can be who you really are and live a fulfilled life. You are not your emotional baggage. Trapped emotions can derail you, or cause you to travel on paths you’d rather not take. Trapped emotions can keep you from living the vibrant, fulfilling, peaceful healthy life you are meant to be living. Finding and releasing trapped energies can lead to massive changes in how you feel both physically and mentally, how you behave, and the choices you make. And most of the time, that newfound freedom and confidence start to flow in automatically! When a trapped emotion is released, a burden is literally lifted and people often experience a feeling of lightness, relief from physical pain and tension.
Trapped and deep seated emotions can be cleared from our biofield using a variety of techniques such as EFT (tapping), Thought Field Therapy and meridian clearing & balancing (Body Code, Emotion Code). Each energy clearing session includes a demonstration of easy to use at home techniques to reduce stress in daily life, releasing trapped and deep seated emotions and beliefs, followed by a Reiki healing treatment to infuse the newly cleared space with healing Life Force Energy.
and in many cases physical pain, that have been so difficult to shake are simply gone. It is almost too simple to believe, but once you experience it yourself, you will understand!
Energy Clearing for Emotional Freedom is about clearing away the baggage so that you can be who you really are and live a fulfilled life. You are not your emotional baggage. Trapped emotions can derail you, or cause you to travel on paths you’d rather not take. Trapped emotions can keep you from living the vibrant, fulfilling, peaceful healthy life you are meant to be living. Finding and releasing trapped energies can lead to massive changes in how you feel both physically and mentally, how you behave, and the choices you make. And most of the time, that newfound freedom and confidence start to flow in automatically! When a trapped emotion is released, a burden is literally lifted and people often experience a feeling of lightness, relief from physical pain and tension.
Trapped and deep seated emotions can be cleared from our biofield using a variety of techniques such as EFT (tapping), Thought Field Therapy and meridian clearing & balancing (Body Code, Emotion Code). Each energy clearing session includes a demonstration of easy to use at home techniques to reduce stress in daily life, releasing trapped and deep seated emotions and beliefs, followed by a Reiki healing treatment to infuse the newly cleared space with healing Life Force Energy.
In person sessions in Dawson Creek or Pouce Coupe
90 minute session $111
60 minute session $75 45 minute $50 |
Online session (Facebook messenger or Zoom)
60 minute $75
45 minute $50 |
Nicole combines her talents as a Reiki Master with the science of Kinesiology to read the flow of energy within and around the body. Imbalanced and blocked energy pathways disrupt the function of our organs, causing anxiety, muscle tension and pain, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, chronic pain, inflammation and a host of other “dis-ease” symptoms. Working with the body's natural ability to both communicate imbalances and restore itself to homeostasis, Nicole uses muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism for assessing the flow of energy through the various body systems to identify and correct imbalances in structural, chemical, mental, and emotional energy systems, enabling you to flow with more ease through all areas of life.