Try Reiki or Energy Kinesiology for $25
I would like to help you welcome the energy of the new year with a $25 Reiki OR energy Kinesiology session. During this session we will work together to balance your energy, release energy that is no longer serving you and bring in healing energy to rejuvenate your energy systems. These energy sessions can help with sleep, tension, anxiety, headaches and many other issues. Just text me to book your session in January! AND Please take advantage of this offer of $20 off your next massage! Please mention this offer when booking. 780-330-9284 |
Looking for volunteers! I am learning to work with muscle testing and magnets to release energy and emotions that are no longer needed, that "baggage" that holds us back, causes system imbalances and illness. This would include a minimum of 2 sessions that would last from 1/2 to 1 hour. Please let me know if you are interested. |